Water Bowser

Although historically we have always manufactured in steel, we found customer demand required us to produce a plastic unit for our Water Bowser, and so we designed our own mould, and the Bowser Supply 1000 Litre plastic tank was born!!

400 Litre Plastic Water Bowser1000 Litre Highway Water Bowser1000 Litre Plastic Water BowserGalvanised Water Bowser with Pumping Equipment1000 Litre Water Bowser500 Litre Highway Water Bowser

Highway Model Plastic Water Bowser with Chevron BoardLIVESTOCK BOWSER2250 ltr water bowser

Lightweight and durable, this tank has proved a huge success. The low profile design makes it ideal for transporting water, and can lend itself to all number of uses – ie; fitted with a petrol pump for watering hanging baskets – a pressure sensor pump for site accommodation etc. The Plastic tanks are available in Red, Blue, Green or Yellow and incorporate a tamper proof lid covering the 400mm access hatch which incorporates the filler point and vent, and are fitted with a sight gauge as standard.

The tanks are held securely in place by a stainless steel strap and fitted with plastic mudguards and mounted to a galvanised chassis unit. Incorporating an internal anti-surge baffle and manufactured from a Water Council Approved material, these units are ideal for towing and can lend themselves to many uses where water is required.

The Livestock Bowser

This Bowser is used when you need to get water to your livestock but there is no water supply close at hand. You simply fill the Bowser and leave it in the desired location.

The water is gravity fed into the trough via a simple ballcock mechanism, which means that you can leave the Bowser unattended until it runs out of water.

This Bowser is ideal for sheep, small ponies, etc. A larger Bowser is available for cows and horses.


Of course we still manufacture our traditional mild steel galvanised water bowsers. These units are manufactured from 3mm steel with flat ends and internal anti-surge baffles, and are hot-dip galvanised to ensure clean water at all times. Fitted with a 400mm man lid with filler and vent, and a rear tap, these units are gloss painted in your colours to compliment your fleet.

The galvanised bowsers area available in either a 1100 Litre or 2200 Litre, site or highway model, although we can manufacture any size steel tank to suit your specifications.

PDF Datasheet Download

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01706 655131